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[转载]2012 纽伦堡ToyAward获奖作品~

Category Baby&Infant (0-2 years)
Mini Micro 3in1, Micro Mobility Systems Ltd.

Who needs trainer bikes? The kids scooter Mini Micro with seat brings mobility already for one-year-olds. And what is really special: the scooter can metamorphose and grow with its owner. For the youngest it comes with seat and a handlebar, so they are all set to start racing. Once the little racers get older - take away the seat and install the T-bar and the Mini Micro turns into a 'real' scooter.  The three wheels provide safety and sta-bility. Steering requires the shifting of the body weight which at the same time trains the kids' motor skills and sense of balance. But the scooter is not only fun, the Micro design makes it a real eye-catcher as well.

Category PreSchool (3-5 years)
Appmates, Spin Master International S.a.r.l.

Appmates by Spin Master International is one of the first toys interacting with the iPad. And it is quite simple: Download a free app with the game from the App Store, move one of the colorful cars from the trendy Disney Cars series onto the touchscreen and off you go... Of course, the game won't hurt the iPad's touchscreen. Whether racing along the highway, making a pit-stop at the garage or at the gas station - this app is a fun way of making kids more skillful. The keen driver will learn by playing including how to master the latest technology - a combination that convinced the jury.


Tags: 玩具设计 toy design

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